Top Favorite Stephen King Movie Adaptations

  1. The Shining
  2. Shawshank Redemtion
  3. The Green Mile
  4. Stand By Me
  5. Misery
  6. Carrie
  7. The Dead Zone
  8. IT - 2017
  9. 1408
  10. Christine
  11. Creepshow
  12. Secret Window
  13. Delores Claiborne
  14. Silver Bullet
  15. Pet Cemetary original 
  16. The Running Man
  17. Children of the Corn
  18. Thinner
  19. Firestarter
  20. The Mist
  21. Lawnmower Man
  22. Maximum Overdrive
  23. Cujo
  24. Cat's Eye
  25. IT (TV)


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